Our Web Design and Digital Marketing Company
Professional Website and Enewsletter Designers, Writers and Social Media Specialists

Kathy Smith
President and Sr. Web Designer
Your contact for managing and pricing your website project. Kathy has developed more than 200 websites – everything from n-tier enabled applications to e-commerce to your friendly brochure-style website. Prior to that Kathy worked for ten years in the controls industry as a software engineer specializing in user interfaces. Kathy’s a nose-to-the-grindstone person; she’s happiest when she is productive. Email Kathy or call 440-975-9580.

Corey Green
Sr. Web Developer
Corey specializes in UX design and back-end development. His repertoire ranges from static websites such as Habco Tool & Development to the extensive database and e-commerce work behind TSI Training. He is often toiling away behind the scenes setting up related client services or solving problems. When he’s not working, you are likely to find him doodling in graphics or code, brushing up on the news or reading whatever he can get his hands on.

Heather Ann Shepard
Social Media Specialist
An English professor, poet and writer from Oberlin, Ohio, Heather brings her friendly prose to Lakenetwork's social media clients, helping them leverage a personable presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Jerie Green
Former president and owner of Lakenetwork, Jerie now plays an advisory role and keeps the books. As a writer and editor whose work has appeared in Cleveland Magazine, the Plain Dealer, Lake County Business Journal and other publications, she is also responsible for editing and proofreading Lakenetwork’s client websites and social media, harnessing in the stray comma and monitoring the correct use of who’s, whom and whose.
Lakenetwork Website Development
Since 2005, Lakenetwork has provided website design and development for companies, professionals and organizations in the Cleveland, Ohio area and beyond. We specialize in providing the most cost-effective and appropriate solutions for clients’ online needs. We are a women-owned family business located in Eastlake, Ohio.
UpShoot Horticulture
Jaye Wolfe Enterprises
Villa Beach Communications
We believe in advocating for the environment and community. Lakenetwork supports the following organizations with web development time and talent:
East Shore Art Show
Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association
Lake Communicators
The Cleveland Police Foundation
The Green Ribbon Coalition
Northeast Ohio Sierra Club
West Shore FaCT
A Note on Social Justice
The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and so many others are a clear reminder of the violence and social injustice that the Black Community has faced continually for decades.
Recent events once again remind us that racism and inequality have always been woven into so many aspects of our daily lives and the only way to change it is to be aware of its cancerous effect on our society. Considering this, we at Lakenetwork want to voice our support for lasting change when it comes to planting the seed for anti-racism everywhere it exists.